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The Specialists in Hair Transplantation since 1998

PSHair is the Hair Restoration division specializing in all types of hair loss and is an integral part of the PSMedical Plastic Surgery and Dermatology company.
Our doctors have many years of experience in the restoration and prevention of hair loss, while they have been restoring cases of hair follicle transplantation since 1998 using all the known medical techniques with FUE and FUT with trichophytic closure method.
Our clients are men, women and children who have suffered hair loss due to hereditary baldness, burns, alopecia etc.
The most modern technique we use is UNSHAVE FUE which the patient will not need to shave or cut the hair of scalp at all and gives us an excellent aesthetic and rich result.

Plastic Surgery-Dermatology

Other specialties

PSMedical - Plastic Surgery - Dermatology

Plastic Surgery


